Time to Declutter….again.

In May 2019 I moved into social housing for seniors. My single accommodation is compact and to be honest no room to hoard. I think who ever designed these units must have thought the potential tenant won’t need any room for treasures, hobbies etc.

This was my cluttered storeroom.
This is the contents from the storeroom.

They say that living in a cluttered environment can cause your mind to feel cluttered.

The empty storeroom.

I have requested quotes from a couple of professional declutter / organisers firms. Even though we are living in difficult times due to Covid we still have to live and can’t just sit and wait for a better time. I have decided there is no time like the present. I also have to accept that I need help due to my health issues. Meanwhile I will start to dispose of rubbish, advertise some items on marketplace.

20 thoughts on “Time to Declutter….again.

    1. I have watched some YouTube videos on decluttering, set up 4 areas…keep, sell, charity and rubbish. Today I shredded lots of old documents and old payslips more than 10 yes ago. What do you do with your Christmas and Birthday cards ? I have hoarded years of cards and to be honest I only ever look at them when I think of decluttering πŸ™‚xx

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  1. I managed just ok in a one bed flat and I don’t have a lot of craft stuff. But this was down to having plenty of storage. I had three cupboard spaces. Two like yours and one where I could walk in a little. I would not have managed in your space when it comes to your storage space.

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    1. Hi Robbie my health issues unfortunately are here to stay with the worst being a severe scoliosis that has deteriorated, gives me daily pain. I have had two mini strokes in the last 18 months. I will keep all my art gear such as pencils, paints, canvas etc. For years I have been hoarding birthday and Christmas cards, I want to give rid of them but feel guilty. I am looking forward to helpful ideas from the decluttering service. I will post an after shot.


  2. Decluttering can be an incredibly burden lifted from your shoulders but then some things are really hard to let go of. I don’t envy you having to ditch craft stuff. That isn’t easy as it always comes in handy.

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    1. I have started to tackle the items sitting in the middle of my living area. I have given away a couple of things already on the local marketplace. I will keep some craft essentials.


  3. Something I’ve found useful is to take pictures of things that aren’t useful, but hold memories that I’m not yet ready to let go of. That way the physical thing is gone but I can hold on to the memory, now embodied in a digital image for as long as I need/want to. πŸ™‚ … good luck with the decluttering. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thankyou for the idea of taking photos of items, great idea. Thanks for the good luck wishes πŸ€β˜˜. I have started to sort through things and have also decided how I want my tiny storeroom to be. I have got myself in a positive mindset. Haven’t received any quotes from professional services.

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  4. It is hard. My problem is disposing of stuff that isn’t useful but seems wrong to treat as garbage, like textiles (old linens, worn out clothing, etc.) I keep thinking it ought to be recycled in some way. And sentimental items like greeting cards. A solution for those might be to pin them to a board collage-style, take a photo, and then shred the physical items. The only ones to keep might be those that have substantial personal messages inside.
    Good luck with the decluttering, and I hope your health improves, even a bit!


    1. I agree with you Audrey it is hard. So far I have kept the cards, gathered them together and stored in one container.
      I don’t plan to sew anymore so I have
      donated materials and cotton to those that do sew. I have kept needles and cotton for quick mending.
      My main health issue is deterioration of my severe scoliosis, a structural problem that cannot be fixed. I just need to manage it with movement, massage and panadol.
      Have a wonderful day, stay safe and be well πŸ™‚πŸ’πŸŒ»πŸŒΊ


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